

Elisabeth: A Shining Example of an Empowered Woman

Elisabeth is making the impossible possible.   Elisabeth Obubuafo is a shining example of an empowered woman, running multiple businesses, sending her children to school and providing food for her community. It was not always this way. Elisabeth is an...

Shamima: A Leader For Change In Mymensingh

Shamima is making the impossible possible.   Shamima Jahan, 55, lives in a remote region of Bangladesh. She used to consider herself just an ordinary housewife, but is now considered a transformed community worker. After attending The Hunger Project's women’s...

Genet Musa, Mesqan Epicenter SACCO Committee President

Genet Musa, 40, is the Chairperson of the Savings and Credit Cooperative (SACCO) at Mesqan Epicenter in Ethiopia. Prior to The Hunger Project entering her community at Mesqan Epicenter, Genet received some basic education from another NGO in the area. From them, she...

Through Skills Training, Jackson Becomes a Successful Carpenter

Jackson Chimangeni lives in Kauma Village near the Majete Wildlife Reserve in Malawi. For many years, Jackson, like several of the residents of Kauma Village, relied on wildlife poaching for his income. By participating with The Hunger Project-Malawi, Jackson and his neighbors gained education and skills to lift themselves out of poverty while protecting the wildlife reserve for future generations to come.