
In Burkina Faso, Sankara Salamata Broadens Earning Horizons With the Introduction of Market Gardens

Sankara Salamata, works as an assistant to Boulkon Epicenter’s Credits Officer, organizing different activities to educate women in microcredits management and income-generating activities.

Salamata, along with other credit committee members and The Hunger Project-Burkina Faso, most recently set up a market garden for the women of the epicenter to work on during the dry season to produce vegetables such as cabbage, onion, sorrel, tomato and okra.

The Hunger Project-Burkina Faso provides technical and financial assistance while local Ministry of Agriculture technicians provide follow-up.

During the harvests, the women are able to sell their products to various buyers, both on the spot and in the market. The implementation of market farms broadens mothers’ potential to provide for their families, both economically and nutritionally, as it gives them access to more produce and their earnings from market sales ease the burden of schooling and medical fees for their families.

Salamata says, “…this activity contributes to the improvement of the community’s living conditions (income and nutrition)… I thank The Hunger Project for its support to our communities in fighting against hunger and poverty.”


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Microfinance & Economic Activity in Burkina Faso