
Local Democracy

Congratulations to Chirapaq Director Tarcila Rivera Zea!

For its 75th anniversary, the Ford Foundation has created the Visionaries Awards to acknowledge 12 extraordinary leaders around the world. The work of these leaders demonstrates "innovative efforts on the frontlines of key social issues, offer[ing] clear and concrete...

Gender, Democracy and the Zero Hunger Challenge

The Hunger Project is proud to be a part of the UN’s Zero Hunger Challenge (ZHC). ZHC is a global declaration that “invites all nations to work for a future where everyone enjoys their right to food and all food systems are resilient.” To ensure the end hunger and...

Get Out the Give on #GivingTuesday!

The retail sector has benefited for years from coordinating national shopping days around the holidays. Everyone knows “Black Friday” or “Cyber Monday.” But this year, for the second year in a row, something unique will take place on December 3, 2013: #GivingTuesday....

Reuniting with Mudderakka

In 2000, The Hunger Project's Annual Fall Gala launched a formal prioritization of Elected Women Representatives in India. That evening, we were honored to hear from one such empowered leader named Mudderakka who amazed all in attendance with her story of strength and...

Top Ten Actions to Make Post-2015 “Local”

This piece, by Hunger Project Executive Vice President John Coonrod, was originally featured on Local First. Those of us honored to work with the rural poor recognize the truth of Tip O’Neill’s famous saying: “All politics is local.” If you are a mother carrying a...