gender equality

New Survey Shows Our Deep Impact

New Survey Shows Our Deep Impact

In 2024, The Hunger Project brought on an external firm to measure our impact across our organization-wide Key Performance Indicators in the areas that matter most to us: eliminate hunger, reduce poverty, promote gender equality and mobilize community agency.

The 5 Principles of Change

The 5 Principles of Change

The Epicenter Strategy is a holistic strategy that builds a path to sustainable self-reliance by shifting the power to small scale producers and promoting community-led development.

The Road to Women Deliver 2023: Open House

The Road to Women Deliver 2023: Open House

WomenDeliver conferences have become the largest gathering focused on gender equality in the world. With the focus on advancing gender equality and women’s sexual and reproductive rights at the center of the conference, WD2023 will bring together thousands of stakeholders and decision-makers globally, in the three-day forum from July 17th to 20th 2023.

Girls LEAD Act 2021

Girls LEAD Act 2021

Girls often have the least access to leadership and decision-making roles, especially in developing countries.

New Survey Shows Our Deep Impact

New Survey Shows Our Deep Impact

In 2024, The Hunger Project brought on an external firm to measure our impact across our organization-wide Key Performance Indicators in the areas that matter most to us: eliminate hunger, reduce poverty, promote gender equality and mobilize community agency.