The Hunger Project’s Executive VP, John Coonrod, is in Washington, DC to strengthen THP’s seat at the table of international development. Each week, John sends us insight into issues of health, policy, human rights and more by way of the Washington Weekly.
High-level Meetings In Senegal, Burkina Faso, Mexico
Our advocacy is truly global. Over the last two weeks, Mary Ellen and Dr. Dicko held meetings with the national leaders of Senegal and Burkina Faso, as well as with UN and USAID officials and field visits. These meetings are already bearing fruit: various officials made clear expressions of interest to work in partnership with THP. As one of Mexico’s most prominent civil society leaders, Lorena continues to play a leadership role in meetings shaping the new President’s Crusade Against Hunger. You can read more on THP-Mexico’s Facebook page and here.
Quick Action: LIKE Participatory Local Democracy
Our partnership with UNDEF to cultivate a global community of practice for our “pillar three” – participatory local democracy – is growing stronger, and we are working to energize it with social media, join us by liking THP on Facebook and following us on Twitter!
And read the stories as well! There is a great piece on women in local democracy for International Women’s Day, that includes a video on the lack of women’s leadership in Sri Lanka.
International Women’s Day Gets Underway!
Last Thursday marked the first of event I’ve attended of the International Women’s Day season – organized by our friends at Women Thrive, featuring leading women members of the US Congress and activists from Afghanistan and Africa focusing on a key Post-2015 issue – the quality of education for girls.
Reviewing Reforms In US Foreign Assistance
I recently attended several meetings reviewing how far the Obama administration has come in reforming US aid policies, and what’s next for this administration. Experts gathered at Brookings to discuss this, from both inside and outside the administration. Their opinions are that the reform package is great, but it will take the next four years to really implement it. Bottom line – we activists should not push for more reforms, but rather keep the pressure on to implement, implement, implement. Watch the video or read the transcript.
Bridging The Gap From AG Research To AG Policy
GDN – the Global Development Network – based in New Delhi, builds research capacity in developing countries and is also blessed to employ Rita’s daughter Pooja! So I loyally attended their recent event at IFPRI in Washington, and you may find it quite interesting. With Gates funding, they’ve developed policy-maker-friendly communications on a range of key agricultural research issues. Watch the teaser videos and read the policy briefs.
Upcoming Events
March 4-15 – UN Commission on the Status of Women – focus on halting violence against women. THP side event, Tuesday March 12, 10:30am.
March 22: World Water Day
April 23/24 – THP/UNDEF Participatory Local Democracy Consultation in Cape Town
April 29-May 1 – InterAction Forum, Arlington, Virginia
May 20-28 – World Health Assembly, Geneva
May 28-30 – Women Deliver Conference, Kuala Lumpur – Joly to attend
June 8 – London Hunger Summit before the G8.
June 10-11 – Scaling-up Nutrition/1000 Day Summit in Washington
June 13-14 – Civil20, Business20, Youth20 Summits in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
June 27-28 – International Conference on Population and Development, Paris
September 5-6 – Leaders G20 Summit in Saint Petersburg, Russia
September 24-29 – Opening of the UN General Assembly
October 2 – Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday and the awarding of the Sarojini Naidu Prize.
October 5 – The Hunger Project Fall Event
October 11 – International Girl Child Day (which will subsume our National Girl Child Day.)
October 16 – World Food Day