
Meet Francis Osei-Mensah from THP-Ghana!

June 29, 2011

Francis Bio Pic.nodeMonitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Officers work in The Hunger Project Program Countries gathering data from our programs and determining their progress and impact in the field. There work is crucial in improving and developing new programs for our partners around the world.

Carolyn: How long have you been with THP? What were you doing before you joined the THP team?

Francis: I joined THP in 2008 for my National Service. My National Service was for a year and after that I was hired on as staff in the M&E department. I have been with THP for three years and on staff for a year and half.

Carolyn: What were you doing before you joined the THP team?

Francis: Before joining THP I was a student at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Sociology, where I studied advanced quantitative techniques in research methods, social psychology and human resources management.

Carolyn: Have you had a specific achievement in the past year of which you are most proud?

Francis: I would say that I am most proud of the implementation of the Participatory Monitoring Approach. In it, 150 community-based M&E animators have been trained to monitor progress at the grassroots level, which has ensured the involvement of local stakeholders in the monitoring of their own projects. As part of this, three different types of survey tools have been piloted to enable us to assess the impacts we are having on the ground.

Carolyn: What is the most challenging part of your work as an M&E Officer?

Francis: Access to software programming that captures and organizes data effectively. This is coupled with the difficultuies in raising funds to carry out enough field monitoring exercises.

Carolyn: Moving away from the job, what is your favorite food?

Francis: Banku and Okro Stew with chicken.

Carolyn: Do you have any favorite interests or hobbies?

Francis: Public speaking, reading, sightseeing, chatting, playing video games, watching investigative movies, and watching soccer.

Carolyn: Thank you, Francis!

We at THP are proud to have dedicated M&E Officers like Francis working to empower people and determining the most effective and influential ways of doing so. Take a minute to learn more about some of the inspiring work being done by THP-Ghana and Francis!