Celebrate Mother’s Day with The Hunger Project!

April 8, 2017

Mother’s Day is right around the corner!

We encourage you to take this opportunity to thank all of the strong women in your life. Today, despite being the primary caregivers for their children and families, women still account for over 60% of the world’s hungry.

Lack of opportunity and support can keep millions of women and mothers in a vicious cycle of poverty and hunger. By participating in The Hunger Project, women are empowered with opportunities to generate and control an income and take their lives in their own hands. This way, mothers are able to invest significant portions of their income in food, healthcare and education for their children and families.

This Mother’s Day, celebrate a special woman in your life and the powerful contributions of women around the world with a special investment in The Hunger Project.

Click here to invest now and send one of our Mother’s Day ecards to your loved one.

Your investment will empower women and moms around the world so that they can lift themselves and their families out of poverty and end their own hunger!