The Hunger Project-Germany was incorporated in 1982 and is registered as a charitable organization based in Ravensburg. In 2007, The Hunger Project-Germany gained acceptance as a full member of the Association of German Development NGOs, VENRO and for the sixth year in a row, maintained a seal of approval from DZI, which is Germany’s top watchdog agency.

In cooperation with other German NGOs and as part of the Global Call to Action Against Poverty, the team also participated in education and advocacy campaigns, organized events and publications to raise awareness about the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and advocated necessary changes in development cooperation policy.

In 2007 the team achieved an innovative web-based fundraising project called BallonMillion. Since then, it has raised US$450,000 for Mozambique and Malawi and mobilized hundreds of activists, investors and students. Of the total money raised in Germany, 87 percent was sent to programs.

In 2009, one focus of The Hunger Project-Germany’s work was on new partnerships with other NGOs like UNIFEM in Germany and others. They launched a national wide marketing and branding campaign, which was undertaken pro bono by Germany’s largest advertising and marketing agency, SERVICEPLAN. They placed various media interviews and articles in large newspapers and weekly magazines.

Furthermore The Hunger Project-Germany opened a office in Munich, which was also provided pro bono, by RebelMedia. They extended their team with two more part-time members, one with expertise in Marketing and Communications, the other in grant writing and proposals.

Organizational Information

A leadership team, composed of staff members, national board members, freelancers and key activists, leads the activities. In regular telephone meetings and weekend workshops they discuss and coordinate strategies and their implementation. The team has been working together since 1998; some of the team members have been active since 1982.

Every two years, the members of the organization elect a national board made up of volunteer activists. A members’ meeting takes place once a year. In connection with this, the activists meet and discuss the targets and activities for the year.

To summarize, the following people carry out the work in Germany:


Leni Rieppel, Country Director (part-time staff)
Kirsten Janiesch, Publication (part-time staff)
Hariolf Maier, Website (part-time staff)
Vincent Gründler, Development Education & Advocacy (freelancer)
Betsy Torneden, Office Manager (part-time staff)


The Hunger Project-Germany’s activities are documented regularly in annual reports.

The Hunger Project-Germany

Das Hunger Projekt e.V.
Sankt-Martin-Straße 53-55
D-81669 München

Phone: +49 89 2000 34 770
Fax: +49 89 2000 34 729



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110 West 30th Street, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10001 

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