Veronica’s Vision, Commitment and Action in Ghana

January 31, 2024

Veronica, a local farmer and respected elder, recalls the  remarkable journey of transformation in her village: “We now have a bank, a health clinic, and recently, we even got internet access.” 

Since 2009, we have been partnering with community leaders at the Adonkwanta Epicenter in Ghana. Through our Vision, Action and Commitment workshops, 11,835 community members have participated in envisioning their future and creating actionable steps to achieve their vision. 

Veronica’s personal journey reflects the progress in the villages surrounding Adonkwanta Epicenter. In collaboration with the local government, Veronica and other farmers in her community had the opportunity to take our agriculture training workshops and learn from demonstration gardens at the epicenter.

“After agricultural training, the yield from my land has increased. I learned to plant my corn more efficiently and started practicing organic farming,” Veronica shared.

Strength in Unity

Through our programs, Veronica become an animator—a local volunteer who passesing on their knowledge to fellow community members. Animators are key mobilizers and fuel a sense of collective growth. 

“There was already a strong sense of community, and it has only grown stronger. We are more dedicated to our community now. We also collaborate on tasks, such as working on the land,” Veronica emphasizes strength in unity. 

Invest in people today.

Hope for the Future

Veronica and her husband, Simon, are constructing a new, larger house, made possible by increased earnings and savings. “Financial management trainings [from The Hunger Project] has certainly helped with that,” Veronica acknowledges. 

Their dream is for their new space to offer more space for their children and grandchildren.

Veronica also envisions a brighter future for the young people in Adonkwanta. “I hope prospects for young people in my community continue to improve, with opportunities for a good education and better income.” 

Her optimism speaks to our larger goal as The Hunger Project—not just immediate change but a sustainable and promising future for the entire community. 

As Adonkwanta blossoms, so does Veronica, inspiring collective change. 

To learn more about our work in Ghana, click here.

Photo credit (top to bottom): Veronica with her corn harvest; Simon and Veronica in Ghana, 2023; Photo for The Hunger Project by Johannes Ode.