Mrs. Carlota Pelembe is a 54-year-old mother of seven and a Microfinance Program (MFP) partner at Manhiça Epicenter in Mozambique.
Mrs. Pelembe is one of 10 women who joined MFP activities during an early stage of Manhiça Epicenter’s programs, in 2001. She is proud of her participation and has learned some difficult lessons along the way.
When Mrs. Pelembe first joined the project, she knew nothing about microfinance and business management. Her first loan was used in agricultural activities intended to generate enough profit for both her profit and loan repayment. Unfortunately, at the time her first payment was due, the crops were not ready and Mrs. Pelembe did not have the necessary funds. She was eventually able to make the payment by borrowing money from relatives.
But she learned from her experience and no longer invests loans in only one, high-investment activity. She now diversifies her activites to include lower-risk income generation.
Mrs. Pelembe feels that MFP activities have changed her life in many ways, all for the best. For example, she is now able to send her children to school, and one of them has already finished high school. Additional profit has gone towards improving her house for herself and her family.
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March 22, 2011