An Elected Representative in India Charts a New Course for Her Community

October 2, 2009

DSC_0062_0.previewRami Devi Nai is an elected representative in her village council in India. Her face tells the story of a life of hardship, but her eyes shine with her unrelenting commitment to her community.

Twice a week, Rami Devi Nai visits the local school to ensure that the students attend class and that teachers teach. She knows the poorest of the poor in her community and makes sure they receive their food allowances allocated by the government. She notes every action she takes in her log book using drawings. Rami Devi Nai has never been to school. She is not literate. And, she is writing a new future for the people of her community.

You have the opportunity to match Rami Devi Nai’s courage and leadership. We invite you to express your solidarity with our partners in the developing world as they chart a new course for the sustainable end of hunger and poverty.
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October 2, 2009