Update to the Global Board
October 2013
The microfinance institutions at Namayumba and Mbale Epicenters were officially recognized and inaugurated, meaning that all of THP-Uganda’s microfinance institutions have now been recognized. Furthermore, THP-Uganda hosted a visit of M&E Officers from THP-Malawi, Mozambique and Ethiopia to implement the first outcome evaluation for Kiruhura Epicenter. Despite several agricultural challenges that transpired over the period, after filling out or updating the self-reliance checklist, it was found that the majority of epicenters have substantially improved on some of the self-reliance indicators – showing that THP-Uganda’s programs are moving toward self-reliance.
- Monitoring and Evaluation. THP-Uganda hosted an M&E learning visit for M&E Officers from THP-Malawi, Ethiopia and Mozambique. When program countries were preparing their operational budgets earlier this year, the Global Office asked each to budget for outcome evaluations to be implemented in each priority epicenter. In light of the M&E Officer from THP-Malawi having been part of the Outcome Evaluation Pilot Project (OEPP) last year and having an expert understanding of this sort of evaluation, a visit was organized so that all M&E Officers from Eastern Africa could learn how to execute an evaluation. The evaluation of Kiruhura Epicenter was successfully completed and a report was submitted in Q3 2013. This evaluation is a crucial step to measure epicenters’ progress toward self-reliance.
- Microfinance Institutions, Inaugurations and Income Generating Activities. Namayumba and Mbale Epicenters inaugurated their microfinance institutions. These recognitions represent an important milestone for THP-Uganda as they mark the last institutions seeking recognition.The Country Director and Microfinance Officer from THP-Mozambique were present for these inaugurations. Furthermore, there has been a 63 percent increase in income generation from the previous quarter. THP-Uganda is currently promoting Income Generating Projects (IGPs) at the epicenters as part of the self-reliance, sustainability and exit plan. Some of the IGPs established so far include; Greenhouse farming at Kiruhura Epicenter, party care services at Mbale Epicenter, hall hire services at Wakiso Epicenter, epicenter tree nursery projects in Kiruhura, Mbale and Kiboga and plastic chair hire in Namayumba Epicenter.
- 1000 Days Initiative. Demonstration plots of orange fresh sweet potatoes (OFSP) were set up in Kiboga, Iganga and Namayumba Epicenters. OFSP has vitamin A which improves eye sight and boosts children’s health, especially those who are malnourished. The gardens set up will serve as demonstration centers as well as seed multiplication sites. The vines will be distributed to partners under the food security and nutrition program in the next planting season.
September 15, 2013