
Healthy People Depend on Healthy Food Systems

October 15, 2013

October 16 marks World Food Day and The Hunger Project joins the international community in focusing on the theme: “Sustainable Food Systems for Food Security and Nutrition.”

There are three key messages of this year’s World Food Day:

1. Good nutrition depends on healthy diets.

2. Healthy diets require healthy food systems – along with education, health, sanitation and other factors.

3. Healthy food systems are made possible by appropriate policies, incentives and governance.

The Hunger Project’s approach is grounded in the fact that hunger is inextricably linked to a nexus of issues including decent work, health, education, environmental sustainability and social justice. Only in solving these together will any of them be solved on a sustainable basis.

The World Food Day theme honors this principle. Our health depends on the food we eat, and that food – and whether it is healthy and abundant – depends on a variety of factors, all of which need to be considered if we are to end hunger once and for all.

What can you do to honor World Food Day?

  • Join the global movement to end hunger!
  • Follow us on Twitter – and retweet to spread the word about World Food Day #WFD2013
  • Support efforts to address hunger and the nexus of issues to which it’s connected: invest in The Hunger Project’s holistic programs around the world.
  • Learn more about the importance of proper nutrition during the first 1,000 days from pregnancy through a child’s second birthday.
  • Do your part as a consumer: eat a balanced diet and minimize food waste.

What is a “food system?”

A food system is made up of the environment, people, institutions and processes by which agricultural products are produced, processed and brought to consumers.

Download the UN Food and Agriculture Organization World Food Day brief.

Learn More

October 15, 2013