
First Meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation

May 21, 2014

plenariaagcde.previewOn April 14, 2014, The Hunger Project-Mexico took part in the first meeting of the Alliance of Civil Society Organizations for Development Effectiveness held in Mexico City. This meeting was held in advance of the First High Level Meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation.

The First High Level Meeting served as a follow up to the 2011 meetings in Busan (Read more about the Global Partnership).

At the civil society meeting, a statement was developed calling for:

  • effective participation and transparent collaboration among various stakeholders;
  • the creation and strengthening of enabling environments for civil society;
  • fulfillment of the agreements established in Busan;
  • fulfillment of the commitment of developed countries to allocate 0.7% of their GDP to cooperation for development efforts;
  • deepening the commitment of middle-income countries in their roles as emerging donors;
  • increasing visible flows and practices of South-South and Triangular cooperation exchange;
  • establishing clear and transparent policies for the involvement of the private sector; and
  • strengthening spaces of social participation for the High Level Meeting follow-up mechanism and the construction of the development agenda.


The Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation was created during the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan. This first High Level Meeting of the Global Partnership was convened by the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXID). The Global Partnership represents an alliance of over 160 organizations, including governments, civil society, members of the private sector, academics, parliamentarians and international and regional organizations. The April meeting was attended by key players such as: Ban Ki-moon , the current Secretary-General of the United Nations; Jose Angel Gurria, General Secretary of the OECD; and the President of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto; among other representatives of more than 160 countries.

Knowing that participation and cooperation of all sectors is essential for effective and inclusive development, The Hunger Project-Mexico attended as many meetings as possible. This international alliance will be critical to overcome the great challenges that we face in terms of fighting poverty, environmental sustainability, human rights, and inequality.
Visit The Hunger Project-Mexico’s website.

May 21, 2014