My name is Romain Awoictha. I am married and a father of four children. I have been a partner of The Hunger Project (THP)-Benin since 2001 and began poultry farming two years ago. Through THP-Benin, I received training in raising improved local chickens. Following the training, THP-Benin provided me with a grant of 75,000 FCFA (about US$150) through the Microfinance Program. I have since received an additional credit of 120,000 CFA francs (US$240).
With this support, I started the farming that allowed me to have poultry a stock of 600 heads, including chickens, turkeys and guinea fowls.
Profits from my new farm have allowed me to fully repay the loans. I earn a monthly net income of 30,000 FCFA (US$60) which increases to 45,000 FCFA (US$90) during feast periods (December, January and April).
With this income, I contribute to the expenses of my household, particularly expenses related to schooling and the everyday needs of my children and wife.
I am proud that my farm serves as an example during the training of new poultry farmers. I enjoy sharing my experiences with them. My ambition for the future is to expand the size of my farm over the next two years to reach 1,500 heads of poultry.
October 15, 2010