Weekly World Wide Wrap-Up – January 17, 2012

January 17, 2012

WHD logo.nodeOur world is on the brink of change – change for the better. New policies, new ideas and new technology bring us ever closer to the end of poverty, disease and hunger each day. But with these rapid changes comes a deluge of information. So, beginning in 2012, we at the THP Blog will bring you a weekly wrap up of the world wide web of international development. Check out this week’s hot topics and let us know what news we missed.

For a complete reading list of online news, visit our StumbleUpon page.

South Asia

January 10, 2012 Malnutrition Widespread in Indian Children, Report Finds by Jim Yardley at The New York TimesRoughly 42 percent of all Indian children under age 5 suffer from malnutrition, finds a recent report by the Naandi Foundation. Read the NY Times coverage of nutritional developments in India.
January 11, 2012 Melinda Gates Answers Your Questions on the Impatient Optimists Blog of the Bill and Melinda Gates FoundationAt the beginning of January, New York Times Reporter and author of Half the Sky, Nicholas Kristof, put out a call to readers’ to submit questions for Gates Foundation co-founder, Melinda Gates, to be answered during her upcoming trip to Bangladesh. Read her answers here.
January 12, 2012 India Scores Major Victory in Battle to Eradicate Polio by Simon Denyer at the Washington PostYesterday, India reached a major milestone in the global battle against polio, recording a full year without a single new case. Learn how.


January 12, 2012 Green Energy Investment Soars to $260bn by Suzanne Goldenberg at The GuardianNew data shows worldwide funding of green energy projects rose by 5 percent last year. Find out what organizations and governments are investing in a green future.
January 14, 2012 Addressing Climate Change as a Human Rights Issue by UN WebcastIn light of the upcoming Rio+20 conference, Ireland’s former President, current President of the Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice and long time sustainable development advocate Mary Robinson is asked about the impact of climate change on African women and development. Read the full interview.
January 16, 2012 VIDEO: Sustainable Energy for All by the UN Foundation2012 is the International Year of Sustainable Energy for All. This beautifully done video by the UN Foundation shows us why. Watch now. And afterwards, read UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon’s moving personal statement about the importance of sustainable energy.

International Aid

January 13, 2012 Announcing Dionne Warwick and Friends at World Hunger Day 2012! at Royal Albert Hall (pictured above)Monday, May 28 at Royal Albert Hall in London, THP-UK throws its biggest party of the year to raise awareness and funds for our programs around the world. Learn more and buy tickets now!
January 14, 2012 ‘In 10 Years’ Time, Ghana May Not Require Any Aid At All’ by John Mulholland at The Guardian’s The ObserverGhana is one of Africa’s greatest successes – a stable and thriving country that is testament to the impact of aid. As pressure on these budgets grows, this article assesses the country’s amazing progress.