
THP-Burkina Epicenter Welcomes Council Members

July 5, 2013

Vue des participants avec au présidium CN-Maire-CD_0.previewIn order to further align the epicenter populations and leadership with the local government and elected officials, THP-Burkina has taken an active approach in bringing together these two groups. Municipal Council elections held early in 2013 led to a wave of new council members elected into office in the communes where several of THP-Burkina’s epicenters are situated. To assure that these new council members have a deep understanding of THP-Burkina’s approach, as well as a sense of responsibility toward and pride in the epicenters, THP-Burkina has facilitated exchange visits on-site at several epicenters. Recently, Boulkon Epicenter hosted one of these visits, which will be pursued at other epicenters.

On Friday, May 24, the 93 members of the Municipal Council of the Commune of Arbollé, accompanied by the Mayor, arrived at Boulkon Epicenter for a day of speeches, tours, meetings and relationship-building. At the invitation of THP-Burkina Faso, the council members immersed themselves in the life of the epicenter with the complementary goals of ensuring a sense of responsibility and also a sense of pride in the epicenter’s progress. A delegation of epicenter “Hometown Heroes” and the President of THP-Burkina’s National Advisory Council, Mr. Patrice Syan, were also present for the day’s events.

Following speeches from the Epicenter Committee President and Country Director and a visit of the epicenter grounds, the Mayor announced that he considers Boulkon Epicenter to be a model of development that he will henceforth use as a measuring stick. All of the elected advisors enjoyed the visit and committed to contributing to the Epicenter’s efforts to reach self-reliance. The council members were also delighted at the prospect of attending VCA workshops in order to develop their leadership skills and become more effective leaders.

In order to follow-up on this successful visit, THP-Burkina will facilitate a second visit to Boulkon Epicenter from the elected Municipal Council of Kirsi. Subsequent visits and follow-up VCA workshops will be organized to ensure a continued strong relationship.

July 5, 2013