The Washington Weekly – May 15, 2012

May 18, 2012

Wash Week Header
In early 2012, The Hunger Project’s Executive VP, John Coonrod, moved from New York City to Washington, DC to strengthen THP’s seat at the table of international development. Each week, John sends us insight into issues of health, policy, human rights and more by way of the Washington Weekly.

Mother’s Day: Health and Nutrition for All!

As Congress returned and began marking up the 2013 US Government’s budget, NGO staff were pulled between educating members of Congress and preparing for the upcoming G8 Summit at Camp David.

And, as Mother’s Day approached on May 13, the broad movements for maternal and child health headed to the twitter-sphere to begin building public awareness in the run-up to a Child Survival Call to Action in mid-June. Follow Leanna’s tweets this week by following #THPdc.

Busy Season: G8/G20/Rio+20

Mexico City G-20 Summit Preparations

OdinOdin Rodriguez, our newly-named Partnership Building and Resource Mobilization Officer (PBRMO) at THP-Mexico, represented THP at a pre-G20 Summit Meeting with Civil Society hosted by the Mexico Foreign Ministry. Odin participated in a round-table on food security – a key pillar for G20 – and asserted his leadership to call on the Mexican Government to address the issue through a gender lens, and as well as to ensure that food security does not ignore nutrition security, as one does not necessarily lead to the other. These are two critical issues that are often forgotten by those working from a narrow food production framework.


As noted in past updates, a number of upcoming events are hot tickets in the run-up to the G8/G20/Rio marathon. Last week THP received the following invitations:

  • Pre-G8 reception with Secretary Clinton
  • Chicago Council event with President Obama and Secretary Clinton with the Child Survival Summit
  • THP CEO Mary Ellen McNish was invited to have THP speak on a panel in a side-session of the Rio+20 conference

New Publications

Upcoming events

  • May 16: Brookings Event on Bipartisan Aid Budgets
  • May 17: 1,000 Days G8 side event
  • May 17: Secretary of State Reception
  • May 18: Chicago Council event at G8
  • May 18-19: G8 Summit, Camp David
  • May 21: 1,000 Days/Chicago Council event in Chicago
  • May 22-23: GAFSP Meeting (ActionAid represents the Northern CSOs)
  • June 14-15: UNICEF/USAID Child Survival Call to Action Forum
  • June 18-19: G20 Summit, Los Cabos
  • June 21: Rio+20 Summit

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