Over the course of the reporting period, The Hunger Project-Ghana completed the construction of several projects such as 3-unit nurses’ quarters at Taido Epicenter. Furthermore, in an effort to push for ownership of the epicenter by its population, THP-Ghana officially inaugurated these infrastructural elements of the epicenter and handed them over to the community during the inauguration. Following the completion of the nursery school at Dogo in Toku Epicenter (a community-led project), a “handing-off” ceremony took place with several high-status dignitaries. Partnership arrangements embarked upon by the epicenter leadership resulted in the Fesi-Bame Epicenter acquiring 450 bags of fertilizer to improve farmers’ activities as well as hospital equipment for the epicenter clinic to improve healthcare delivery. In addition to THP-Ghana’s accomplishments in construction, the Health & Nutrition programs, WEP programs and Income Generating Activities conducted proved to be fruitful.
- Dogo Nursery School “Hand-Off.” In Toku Epicenter, a new nursery school, which was a community-initiated project supported by Bayport Financial Services (BFS), was inaugurated and handed off to the proper authorities. The event included the attendance of the District Chief Executive of the Ada East District Assembly, the National Program Officer of THP-Ghana, the Deputy Managing Director of BFS, the District Director of Education and local chiefs. This event was reported on by the local radio and in Ghana’s most circulated newspaper.
- Income Generation. The oil-palm and cocoa seedlings undertaken by the Adomfe Epicenter have started to generate income for the epicenter as these seedlings have grown enough to be transplanted to the field. The price for an oil-palm seedling is $1 and that of cocoa is $0.13 per seedling. As of June 2013, a total of 2,902 seedlings of cocoa and 220 oil-palm seedlings were sold to farmers generating an income of $2,930.60.
- Partnership with MOFA. The partnership initiated by the Fesi-Bame Epicenter executives with the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA) has resulted in the acquisition of 450 bags of government-subsidized fertilizers (NPK, Sulphate of Ammonia, and Urea) from MOFA for sale to partner farmers in the epicenter to boost production.
September 8, 2013