Kiwis Inspired to Take a Stand Against Chronic Hunger

July 11, 2013

BetsyVisit June2013 resized.previewIn June 2013, staff and volunteers of The Hunger Project-New Zealand were delighted to host Betsy Deisroth, Vice President for Advancement in Auckland from New York. Over the course of two evening events, Betsy inspired and encouraged local activism towards the end of chronic hunger, and updated Kiwi supporters on the impact our work is having around the world.

She reported on the UN’s recent goals to end hunger by 2030, and detailed how these goals have been created in a way that directly include the contributions of the countries they impact, as distinct from the 2000 Millennium Development Goals which were far more prescriptive.

Betsy shared how The Hunger Project, in its focus for the future and program work in countries, is in line with the achievement of these new goals. The increased monitoring and evaluation (M&E) done by the organization over the last five years has been yielding excellent results and highlighted the need to add new approaches to our work.
Right now, across the organization internationally, there is a reinvestment into organizational capacity taking place, so as to provide our work with increased visibility and support from people who want to play a significant part in ending global hunger. She encouraged New Zealand to play its part: “Each Partner Country needs to look at what it needs to do to raise the visibility of our work, and each of us needs to find our place in The Hunger Project, and then, together, do some bold things to help end hunger.”

July 11, 2013