2019 West Coast Gala

IRVINE – JUNE 8-9, 2019

What’s the difference between an ordinary life and one lived with courage?

 Is it a life defined by circumstances? By challenges, by victories? What if being brave wasn’t just being “super hero” courageous? What if being brave is about seeing opportunities and connections where other people see obstacles?

This year, we are inviting you to explore the ways in which we all have the Courage to Connect. Human connection is a vulnerable exchange between people who are paying attention to one another. It has the power to deepen the moment, inspire change, build trust and transform the way we live.

What’s on

We hope you will join us for a full weekend of events designed to explore ways we can continue to be courageous, deepen our connection, and build a future where every woman, man, and child leads a healthy fulfilling life of self-reliance and dignity.

Saturday, June 8

1.30pm – 3.30pm
Avenue of the Arts, Grand Ballroom
3350 Avenue of The Arts
Costa Mesa, CA 92626


Join us for a unique, interactive learning session to discover how The Hunger Project is creating large-scale alliances that empower women and men to end their own hunger.

Tickets: This session is free and open to the public

Saturday, June 8

6pm – 10.30pm
Hotel Irvine
Backyard & Pavilion


Join us for the centerpiece of the weekend as representatives from our program countries share their courageous stories of collaborative leadership and self-reliance. Connect with the mission of The Hunger Project in a celebration of our shared commitment to a world where every woman, man, and child leads a life of self-reliance and dignity.

Tickets: $500 General Admission (of which $300 is tax-deductible) or $250 Youth (ages 25 and under, of which $50 is tax-deductible).

Sunday, June 9

10.30am – 12:30pm
Hotel Irvine, Salon A


Take our weekend experience to a deeper level by engaging in intimate “kitchen table” conversations about courage, connection, and commitment. Together, through facilitated conversations, we will discover how everyday courage can transform our lives. 

Tickets: $45 (not tax-deductible)

Get involved

The Hunger Project has always been a pioneering leader for the end of hunger. It’s now time to take the next bold leap forward. We invite you to take a leadership role as a passionate champion of The Hunger Project by mobilizing your community into action.



Make change happen. Invest in people.

Get in touch

The Hunger Project
110 West 30th Street, 6th Floor,
New York, NY 10001 

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© The Hunger Project 2020   |   Website by The Good Alliance